Conversation12:51pm EST: Mercury enters Cap till February 15, 2022 (with a short retrograde dip back into Sagittarius). Communication is fraught, but it's helpful. Big public news that requires us to adjust our expectations. 3:22am EST: Out-of-bounds Mars in Gemini semisquare Eris in Aries. “5:35pm EDT: Moon in Scorpio square Ceres out-of-bounds in Leo. UPCOMING WEBINAR The Cancer New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar Online Class with Anne Ortelee Sunday, July 16, 2023 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern US time. Be honest and direct. Romance, affection, recognition, drama, ambition, and generosity are prominent. Dear friends, There’s a New Moon tomorrow and a New Moon Manifestation Circle webinar tonight! The Moon in Cancer is of course emotional, and running out-of-bounds makes her extra emotional: sensitive, tender, perceptive, empathic, and volatile. Expansive, inventive, creative energy. The Moon's not working and you shouldn't be either. 21°Li33' D 21°Ta33' D4:55pm EDT: Mercury in Cancer trines and sextiles the Nodes of Fate in Scorpio and Taurus. Put yourself out there! 27°Ge33' D 27°Le33' D. See new Tweets. Try something new and embrace what you love. 8:35am EDT: Moon in Taurus quintile Sun in Cancer. 27°Vi40' D 27°Pi40' DIn this conversation. Ask for a hug, or set a boundary, or pull the covers up. Posted on June 16, 2023 June 18, 2023 by Anne Ortelee. 3:35am EDT: Moon in Aquarius contraparallel Uranus in Taurus and opposite Venus in Leo. Don't run away with the shoe if it doesn't quite fit. We're being asked to reconsider some of our most basic assumptions about partnership and family. “9:32am EDT: Neptune in Pisces quindecile Vesta in Virgo. ”6:33pm EDT: Mercury in Leo semisquare Neptune in Pisces. You may not like what you hear, but it's important for you to know. 12:39pm EDT: Moon in Gemini sextile Mercury in Leo. . “5:13am EDT: Moon in Aries sesquiquadrate Saturn in Pisces. Does it delight you?“11:49am EDT: Moon in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries. 6:24am EST: Mercury in Sagittarius biquintile Eris in Aries. They're on the World Axis so expect big news. Push, push, push towards the destiny of individuation. Happy New Moon and Nodal Shift day! Here's the link to purchase the recordings and slides from last night's webinar. There's a coming-to-consciousness around our karma and purpose in life. It's a great day to commit to your new dream and the life you want to cultivate. Disorienting changes, just when we thought we'd let our guard down! Your true home is within you, in your own heart. ”“1:53am EDT: Moon in Libra trine Venus in Gemini. Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Everybody's hearing the situation through their own filter. Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Protect the Feminine, in yourself and in the world around you. 11°Cp55' D. Uranus is now in the Capricorn decanate of Taurus, so these are plans that STICK. Plain speaking, concrete plans, straightforward commitments. This is a no, but thanks. Opportunity for healing through a technical and specific understanding of how things didn't quite work out. “10:45pm EDT: Jupiter joins Pluto in Capricorn. 1:12am EDT: Moon in Pisces semisextile Pluto in Aquarius. Success! We have. . 22°Ar14' D 07°Ge14' D. 05°Ar12' D 29°Le12' D. Now that you have had some time to process what's been going on, Mercury wants you to make a NEW list of your goals and plans. Your Personal Legend is speaking to you from within. Closing square of psychological integration. 08°Ge56' D. You can hear a pin drop. Conversation makes the heart grow wiser. We are feeling the sting of a keen disappointment. Conflict between the Moon and Jupiter about how we partner and why. There's a whole bunch of delightful stuff afoot. There's a sense of excitement and hope about the changes ahead, amid our trepidation. 27°Aq33' D 27°Pi33' D12:33am EDT: Venus square Uranus. Go out and dance or stay in and cuddle? Can you do both? Choices. Can you do both? You can have it all, creatively or consecutively. Sourced from across Twitter. There's a passionate position yet a disconnect. The Moon has to do what she's going to do, however inconvenient or unseemly. We DO know who we are and what we stand for. Parse what you CAN and CANNOT control. “1:13pm EDT: Moon in Pisces sesquiquadrate Pluto in Capricorn. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Anne Ortelee Astrology. There's a sense of coming into our own, building something beautiful and lasting. “6:47pm EDT: Moon sesquiquadrate Juno. Conversation“4:35pm EDT: Mercury in Virgo biquintile Jupiter in Aries. Creativity abounds, as the God of Action shakes his beautiful golden main, and passes "go" and collects $200 on his way into Virgo. 02°Aq35 D 17°Ge34' D”3:02pm Jupiter in Aries Contra parallel Eris in Aries encourages you to give up on the struggle before you. Look at what's been growing in your garden. Now that you've leapt, you'll find that you float through the day . The Goddesses are working together to help us mend our wounds. There's a passionate position yet a disconnect. But (sometimes, at least) you get what you need. We're following a winding path, down into ever deeper and deeper levels of understanding. It can be a harsh world sometimes, and you've really got to nourish and protect yourself. Seek the unity, seek the connection. . 5:00pm EDT: Moon in Cancer quintile Chiron in Aries. Mercury is direct and telling truths, even if still shaky from the pivot. Jupiter's not sure he NEEDS her help. Say yes, and you'll learn secrets worth hearing. 1:56pm EDT: Moon in Libra parallel Neptune in Pisces. sky-003 - copy. Unanticipated changes to the partnership that you're actually quite excited about! Nice to get out of that rut, eh? 15°Li32' D 21°Ta32' D5:23pm EDT: Moon in Virgo parallel Ceres in Libra. They are texting people and asking them to book readings via PayPal. 04°Cp14' D 04°Ge14' D”“8:37am EDT: Moon in Capricorn semisquare Pallas Athena in Leo. and there you can start walking in whatever direction you choose. 10:05am EDT: Moon in Virgo aspects the Nodes of Fate in Aries and Libra by declination. Bright ideas emerge, accompanied by feelings of anxiety. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. “11:10pm EDT: Moon in Pisces square Vesta in Gemini. You have an opportunity to build it just the way you want it now. 7:05pm EDT: Uranus in Taurus semisquare Ceres in Libra. Old fears are resurfacing, but don't let them rain on your parade. See new Tweets. What are you trying to accomplish here? Write down concrete actionable steps to get there. Pack it up and clear it out with a minimum of drama. 21°Vi26' D 21°Ta26' D7:16am EDT: Moon in Aquarius trine Juno in Gemini. 6:33pm EDT: Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. 5 hours of astrology for your listening pleasure. Sourced from across Twitter. Our illusions continue to fall away. He's a pickle today, answering to Mercury in a rock sign, acting out, because he is unable to express his feelings. 8:48am EDT: Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus. Once you understand WHY you want to accomplish what you want to accomplish, decision-making becomes easy. 13°Aq29' D 07°Cn29' D”12:08am EDT: Moon in Gemini biquintile Pluto in Capricorn. 2:12pm EDT: Moon in Libra forms a semisextile to Pallas Athena in Virgo and a quincunx to Saturn in Pisces. FORWARD WE GO TOWARDS THE CHANGE. The chart (see below) features. Shocking but true! Change is coming and secrets are revealed. Here comes the key to a lock that you've been picking. News of health matters around your body, office, home. You don't always get what you want. You have plenty of options;. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. tricks and treats. 9:57pm EDT: Mars conjunct Pallas Athena at 0 degrees, 21 minutes Virgo. Communicate carefully. Hard news. Intuitive insights around strategy. Keep seeking understanding. If it's not scheduled, it's probably not gonna happen. 7:47pm EDT: Moon in Cancer sextile Mars in Virgo. 3:05pm EDT: Moon in Gemini sesquiquadrate Sun in Cancer. ·. The Sun and Moon will meet up. " If your heart needs someplace to rest, you can find that place now. 02°Li05' D 02°Cn05' D1:50pm EDT: Pallas Athena in Leo trine Eris in Aries. Mercury is in high creative mode, seeking out the big-picture vision of our life. “3:10am EDT: Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee 2:01am EDT Moon in Pisces Conjunction Neptune in Pisces activates the energy of the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. 1:40am EDT: Mercury in Leo sextile Vesta in Gemini. 14°Ar48' D 29°Le48' D. Commitments STICK. There's a plan B waiting to be born, one that is even MORE expressive and particular to YOU. The conflict will change as more information becomes available. 11:56pm EDT: Moon in Taurus parallel Mars in Virgo. 14°Cn15' D 29°Cp15' R“8:28pm EDT: Moon in Leo parallel Venus in Leo. 2 K followers & a note saying I would NEVER write to you and ask you to book a reading. 7h. It's gonna be okay, Moon, hang in there. More conversation right now makes it worse. 24°Pi55' D 24°Le55' D”Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Body, mind, heart, and soul are all singing together as one. Astrologer Anne Ortelee and Alchemist JeMaja Selas combine their approaches to blend the physical and metaphysical parts of the world. Stress around how we communicate. 11:05pm EDT: Moon in Libra square Juno in Cancer. What do they REALLY need to know? 12°Ge21' D 12°Cn21' D6:30am EDT: Mercury in Gemini sextile Pallas Athena in Leo. 5 years. 12:39am EDT: Moon enters Leo. “6:42am EDT: Moon in Pisces quincunx Venus in Leo. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Unexpected news or changes or connections. 6:30am EDT: Mercury in Leo parallel Vesta in Gemini and semisextile Juno in Cancer. 12:13am EDT: Moon in Aries biquintile Mars in Leo. 07°Ge54' D 07°Ar54' R. It's lovely to be asked, and it doesn't mean that you have to say yes. Good for you! 03°Cn21' D 03°Vi21' D. The God of Communication enters the Moon's sign. Seize the crisis. Time to pay a LOT of attention to the man behind the curtain. You need a vision! Once you know what you're working towards, you're happy. Moments of astounding clarity. ·. Prepare for both/and . 12:57pm EDT: Moon in Libra quincunx Uranus in Taurus. You have SUCH an opportunity here to restructure your world and make it run more smoothly in the future. Hold your head high. Anne Ortelee's July 16, 2023 Weekly Weather Amazing changes this week with multiple planetary shifts!!An Out of Bounds New Moon and the Nodes shift into Aries/Libra for 18 months. Accept what you need. Meditate or journal about what you've learned in recent days. ”“3:27am EDT: Moon in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries. Sometimes you don't get along, but you still gotta keep talking about it, working through it, adjusting your approach. 11:22pm EDT: Pluto in Capricorn quincunx Juno in Gemini. Our illusions continue to fall away. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Conversation“5:46pm EDT: Mercury parallel Neptune in Pisces. ”Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Part 2 of the T-Square with Mercury. 12:11pm EDT: Moon in Pisces semisquare stationing Mercury in Taurus. Pay attention. Can you stay connected in this moment without escalating conflict?My Cancer New Moon webinar is just two hours away! 16 Jul 2023 21:31:007:56pm EDT: Moon conjunct Vesta at 8 degrees, 40 minutes Gemini. Just watch the kaleidoscope whirling. . Give it some time to sink in before you turn towards plan B. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. The Moon has suggestions for things that Saturn might do, but they're creating a sense of limitation. Anne Ortelee on Twitter: "4:59am EDT: Sun in Taurus forms a sextile Neptune in Pisces, just before the Moon in Taurus forms a sextile to out-of-bounds Venus in Cancer.