Tim. The Guitar Dater Project aims to provide you with the information hidden in your Guitars' Serial number in plain English. A genuine Gibson Les Paul will only ever have 2 screws in the truss rod cover, and they should be vertically aligned, one at the top, one at the bottom. . When I looked over the guitar before purchasing several things struck me as odd compared to other Epiphones I have seen. Feb 20, 2018 — Here's how you should read the serial number to discover when it was built. Kramer Guitars Mesa Boogie KRK Music Steinberger Guitars. Epiphone Serial Number - Ultimate GuitarThe last 4 digits form the series sequence number. Here is what they said about this unusual serial number: A6080372. The new Epiphone "Trem-o-tone" adjustable vibrato tailpiece is introduced. Im looking at a P90'S Sorrento, and the sticker is spelling Sorento, one r, and the de coder doesn't recognize it It is 1 letter, followed by two numbers, followed by 1 letter, followed. If the serial number is in their database they normally have the original color & pickup configuration. Joined Jun 6, 2018 Messages 50 Reaction score 69. PPPP is the production number. Assigning a value will require knowledge of the actual model of Epiphone. The serial numbers on Squier guitars are generally 6 digits long, with the first 2 digits being the year of manufacture. 04=month = April. d. The "look" of the guitar is clearly a rip on a Martin 000-18, though the wood is all laminate -- spruce over mahogany. Next 2 digits: Month of manufacture. Though I speak of the newer, "FGN" branded ones. Gibson has never made a truss rod cover with 3 screws. 12036-14713. The serial number for an ESP guitar can found on the back of the headstock, on the neck plate, or under the pickups. Beginning in 1960 the number was pressed into the back of the headstock. The mahogany neck was bolted on internally. Guitar Model. Where was it made - Qingdao Plant (Epiphone), China When - June 2004Epiphone Acoustics ; masterbilt serial numbers masterbilt serial numbers. Between the Peerless period and the opening of the Qingdao plant, many Epiphones were constructed at the Zaozhuang Saehan plant in China. The serial number will be an 8 digit number impressed into the back of the headstock with "MADE IN USA" below. Gibson Serial Number Lookup. The Gibson Serial Number Decoder currently supports 6 formats from 4 Factories. The serial number can be found on the back of the headstock, and it will usually start with a letter followed by a series of numbers. One way is to look at the serial number. It has a "made in indoesia" label and i was told that the factory was Samak. Sep 16, 2022Unclear Letter Factory Codes Epiphone Serial Codes Number Only Serial Codes 5 DIGIT SERIAL (space after 1st digit, custom shop on back of headstock 1990-1999) 1st Digit =. or if C=0. All models, stamped in back top of peghead. Submit. A number like 1190378. Examples –. LOCATE A DEALER. Most regular. 1983- Most Epiphone guitar production is moved to Korea and contracted out to Samick. sound. Epiphone Japan Serial Numbers 1998 - Current The Yamano Gakki Epiphone Japan serial numbers from 1998 onwards are in a YMMPPP format. I have a number there but it has no letters and when i put the number into THIS site, it. Z5 means 2005. According to this your serial number should have a letter in front of it that tells which factory it was made in. The serial number will tell you the month and year the guitar was made. Qingdao Plant (Epiphone), China. This new function will try to match the serial number against older formats, details required for an exact match are listed in yellow. but this is just another area that unsrupulous resellers. New posts Search forums. The guitar had been upgraded with Grover tuners that were worth more. 1931. s the serial. The full serial number would be helpful to decode it. LovesAlex2112 Member. 25. d. The guitar's serial number also may give you a clue to its value. Another way to check the year of your. The FT-130SB was the same as the. Epiphone vintage guitars model info and collecting. The new "F" models are made in China. July 8, 2021. A1000 to A1999. When Epiphone restarted electric instrument production in 1946, only the Zephyr. 5th Edition Blue Book of Guitar Amplifiers. The best way for consumers to protect themselves against fraud is to purchase your guitar from an authorized dealer, or consult one in advance. That plant was suppose to put out some excellent Epiphone guitars and I just am verifying that the serial number is indeed the Korean plant and if $325 is a fair price for one in excellent condition. England and Wales company. The Epiphone J-45 Acoustic-Electric Guitar is a magnificent instrument. Most guitars produced by Arai such as the Aria Diamonds (not to be confused with the Aria Pro II Diamonds), Lyle, Conrad, Maxi-Tone, Japanese Epiphone, Univox, and the other pre-1976 guitars often had serial numbers usually on the neck plate (I imagine so dealers could track warranty, etc. The Gibson guitar serial number is found on the back of the headstock and the inside of the sound hole sticker. Kramer Guitars Mesa Boogie KRK Music Steinberger Guitars. The serial number can be found on the back of the headstock. Note: Any guitar with a serial number with the prefix "SI" is Indonesian-made. It's stamped "USED" from the factory, indicating it is blemished from the factory. April 2015. Serial Search. Epiphone acoustics, Masterbilts, classical, and bluegrass instruments. CLOSE. There is no serial number on the headstock and nowhere on the guitar or the label does it say where it was made. Categories:. The serial number on the Label reads: G00121468 The serial number by the Neck reads: 0011160460 So, my question would be does anyone have any information I could get from them on this specific guitar? I used guitardaterproject. Checkout {{productGrid. A 9 gauge string set is very light and easy to press down on without hurting your fingertips. The number is on the headstock and is ink stamped on. Guitar Dater gave me three. This is from Gibsons website. Find an Epiphone Dealer Dealer Resource Center. New posts Search forums. Shop By Collection. Thread starter RegularJim; Start date Mar 26, 2019; RegularJim Active Member. Posted September 4, 2013. Just acquired a Korean Epi Les Paul Special, serial # starting with U5. Epiphone. Many '80s and early '90s. I just noticed today my Dot also doesn't have one. ago. But then there are too many number characters. Guitar Info. they had made a lot of highly evaluated guitars for the big brands. With that bit of info, you can simply google " [Insert your guitar maker here] serial number decoder. Muppet Island (UK) Feb 8, 2017. The last 5 digits form the series sequence number. Please post any comments, particularly bugs in the user feedback. Epiphone's site is not clear at all on how to decode these things, but I am curious to confirm its actual model designation, year of manufacture, and place of manufacture. While the one example I do have on hand (the '05 Dot) turned up a guitar in the registry, the Gibson rep had no record of a GG prefix ever being used or a factory ever using it. The front of the headstock has "Epiphone by Gibson" at the top and the Epiphone logo at the bottom. Serial Number Help Epiphone PR600 ASB. My Epiphone 335 serial number. Thread starter gil; Start date. Checkout. In 2005 Gibson opened the Qingdao plant to build Epiphones and has gradually taken over production. I just want to know that a 2004 was made in Korea. where you would have a serial. F= Fine factory Korea. The Epiphone serial number decoder currently supports 12 serial number formats from 25 factories. The FT-130 was produced by EPIPHONE from around 1972 onwards. Since the verification shows Korea/China. On Original Grover tuners, this lettering is more compressed, and each letter almost takes the form of a square. They said for this particular model (PR-200-EB) the Serial Number was "non-conventional". It has a set neck, full size humbuckers and a frequensator tailpiece. Checkout {{productGrid. Serial number 11051500160 is the 160th guitar built in May 2011. Akahito Senior Member. Heya could anyone help me out with this serial number? it's a Epiphone Les Paul Custom: EE05863108 Thanks alot i really appreciate it. I just bought a g-310 from a pawnshop. Production Number: 0341. An easy first spot is the truss rod cover. Fender Serial Numbers. Look up the serial number on the Epiphone website and use their “guitar serial number decoder” tool. Date Your Guitar. (Les Paul, SG, Fat 300, etc). Epiphones were built by several asian manufacturers that used different SN codes. Nov 20, 2008 #11 Fantastic, thank you. Failure to register your product purchase will not diminish your warranty rights. Y = Year of manufacture MM = Month of manufacture PPP = Production number. To do this information is collected from several sources; books,websites,forums and knowledgeable contributors. K stands for Kuramae, Yamano's wholesales division. Squire Serial Number-Manual Checklist. The serial number can usually be found on the back of the headstock. Reactions: 1 person. (Since 2004 Epiphone guitars have been produced in China) Five digit serial numbers Five digits with a space after the first digit and custom shop on the back of the headstock, applied from 1990 to. The front of the headstock has "Epiphone by Gibson" at the top and the Epiphone logo at the bottom. Guild Guitars Serial Numbers. 09-21-2007, 09:30 PM. Epiphone Serial Number Lookup; Guild Guitars Serial Numbers. Jay New Member. Get more time to pay with Klarna. d. Last character is body type: D=wood, B=metal. May 25, 2022. Established in 1960, FGN has been manufacturing guitars and basses for. This website provides information on guitar serial numbers and the year of manufacture for major brands like Fender, Gibson, Guild, Epiphone, Yamaha, Gretsch, Ibanez, Rickenbacker, Martin, Squier, Taylor, Jackson, PRS, ESP, and Höfner. Listed are serial number/model pairs along with the estimated manufacturing year. Thread starter Jay; Start date Mar 19, 2021; J. Back in the 1990's, Jackson , Kramer and other Floyd Rose equipped guitars fell out of favor and were selling for ridiculously low prices. Epiphone made US Serial Numbers 1944 to 1950 - (Electric Guitars only) From 1944 to 1950 a 2 digit prefixes was assigned to specific electric models. Typically, the serial number on a modern Epiphone guitar (or at least since 1993) adopts the FYYMMRRRR format. 12035. My epi is a 2000 Un-sung whoever that is. I was just wondering where the serial number is on the Epiphone SG. Someone can help us? Thank you! InfiniteeZ. Check the serial number. . Incarcat de Accesari 1109 Data 30. Name}} Review Cart. It has the serial number (on a sticker): 1146838, and no other markings other than the blue model sticker inside the body. It’s simple enough with our Guitar Serial Number Lookup Decoders. I was trying to verify if it was a real Epiphone or a fake. Location. reply; Look on you tube. 1972 to 2000. Epiphone SG Serial Number. Mar 19, 2021 #1 Hi. N8 means 1998. The serial number can be used to identify the year of manufacture, as well as the specific model of the guitar. Fender. Sometimes the word "2nd" is stamped on the back of the. Checkout. 5700-8300. I bought it around 2001 I think. Under the pickups, the sequence was #MMYNN. The pattern is as follows: YDDDYRRR YY is the production year DDD is the day of the year RRR is the factory ranking/plant designation number. 3)Nice build quality. 10’s – (10-46 or 49 Jazz) 10’s are possibly the most popular set for Les Paul lead guitarists. can do business and you can't trace the origins of the guitar serial number. Epiphone Riviera date by serial number. YYMMFFRRRRR In 2008 models begin to appear without a factory i. YEAR. YY = Year of manufacture MM = Month of manufature FF = Factory I. USA produced Epiphones of this era bear standard Gibson serialization and include the “Made in USA” stamp on the back of the. 3/4" inch This Vintage guitar is known for its wonderful rich tone and it features a SolidNov 2012. Hi All, My first proper guitar was an Epiphone AJ-10 in black. Subsequently, in the later part of the 90's Gibson stopped commissioning Orville to make lower grades guitar and started Epiphone. With enough people contributing to the project we will be to find out what model guitars where made at which. Epiphone Electric Guitars. Half a century of passion in wooden instruments.