Chromium Steel Bar is a refined material used in crafting. Crafting requires the Chef's Cooking Station to be fueled for a certain amount of time; if the station runs out of fuel, the production is halted mid process. Sea Salt can be purchased at the following shops: Sea Salt is a widely used cooking ingredient. Jan 24, 2022 @ 7:34am We aren't really allowed to discuss anything important outside of the beta forums on discord. Bronze Plate is a refined material used in crafting. The recipe only becomes available after First Impressions. Sand Leek can also be grown in the player's yard from Sand Leek Seed after the player obtains a planting kit. Iron Chef - Joy Noodles. 23. The Abandoned Ruins are dungeons without enemies, and you. This ban is. Related Articles. 21 units per hour up to the maximum of 100 units. My Time at Sandrock is really killing me with making the hottest romanceable character the hardest to build a relationship with because he doesn't like to talk, doesn't accept gifts and doesn't give you any quests. PermDenied · 9/7/2022 in General. Iron Sword and Shield can be refined to higher stats and quality with Rosestone. The Bend is a slightly shallow area just south of the town of Sandrock and its outskirts. Steel Spear can be crafted using the following crafting stations after the player purchases the recipe at the Commerce Guild Store. Chatting with Sandy once a day will increase Sandy's relationship with the player by 1 point; subsequent chatting, on the same day, only results in the same conversation without any. It. Generally, to take a photo, the player can visit the Photos section of the menu and select the Take Photo icon in the bottom right corner: . Iron Wire is a refined material used in crafting. Use specific. Diamond can be found in treasure chests in: Stone Archway Cave Gecko Station Paradise Lost Diamond can be given as a gift. A Vacuum Cleaner can be held in the player's hand and used as a tool to quickly clear the accumulated sand from the player's machines at no stamina cost similarly to Feather. You may need 3-4 to be able to sell for 1 gol. Daily Players: 45819-77%. The main article for this category is Crafting. Iron Muscle Soup is a consumable item that can be given as a gift, sold, or consumed to increase the damage dealt by the player. It is a universally. The player can put the Iron Pickhammer in an active inventory slot and use it for quarrying rocks or mining in the Abandoned Ruins. Many new characters make their debut, though some "familiar faces" are rumored. Wood can also be obtained obtained as a product of recycling Wood Scrap. Hardwood Fence is a refined material that currently has no special use. Iron Ore is a raw material used in crafting. Level. My Time At Sandrock. #MTAS #MyTimeAtSandrock My Time At Sandrock Iron Chef Of The Free Cities Quest Solved Prerequisite for the quest. Graphite is a required ingredient when crafting the. Sweet and Sour Sandfish is a consumable item that can be cooked using the Chef's Cooking Station. Photos is a feature and gameplay mechanic available in My Time at Portia after the News Camera mission has been completed. The net stamina gain is marginal. Granite Tiles can be crafted using the following crafting stations after the player purchases the recipe from the Commerce Guild Store. Recycler is primarily used as a crafting station. In the Early Access version, there are two ways of acquiring Iron Ore, both of which are pretty easy. The player receives the diagram from Yan during The New Builder. #5. Mason, Mint, and the Mysterious Man are. Wood can be obtained by chopping down trees or shrubs. It can also be gifted. Smartik1 Jun 4, 2022 @ 8:15am. Glass Lens is occasionally requested on the Commissions Board in a Two Star Rank or Three Star Rank commission. There is a time limit of four days. Bloodstone can be quarried from Hard Rock in the Eufaula Desert. It is a desert town with the smallest population in the Alliance of Free Cities, and is bordered by Portia, Atara, Walnut Groove. Shonash Canyon Bridge is located west of the Civil Corps. The. • 21 days ago. Nickel Ore is a raw material used in crafting. Iron Spear can be crafted using the following crafting stations: Iron Spear can be equipped, donated, or gifted. It is set in the town of Sandrock, an arid desert town that lies to the North of Portia, with a timeline that runs parallel to the original My Time at Portia game. Iron Ore can be purchased at the following shops after the player unlocks iron technology: Iron Ore can be purchased at the following store: Iron Ore can be mined from reddish gray rocky patches and Pyrite nodes in Gecko Station Ruins on any level. Marble Brick is a. There is a time limit of three days. Iron Sword and Shield is a sword and shield type weapon with average attack speed. Garlic is an ingredient used in cooking. It is allows the player to create Steel Bars and Tempered Glass. Magnesium-Chromium Furnace Core can be crafted using the Worktable: Magnesium-Chromium Furnace Core is used in crafting. Agate can be used as a material for upgrading Chromium tools and alloy weapons in a Refiner. Drool with Joy Noodles: Cooking Pot: Flour + Meat + Rib Meat + Alfalfa +. All items are either purchased from Blue Moon To Go (flour and veg) or farmed from Yakmel. The Assembly Station is a crafting station for big projects. Forging Machine Lv1 can be crafted using the Assembly Station. The recipe can also be found in a treasure chest inside the Cave directly inside the gate to the upper part of the Paradise Lost area: Intermediate Worktable. Bark can be obtained from hitting large trees with an Axe. Copper Wire is a refined material used in crafting. Meat can be dropped by the following monster(s):Cock-a-doodle-DoomEnraged Wild YakmelFrightened Rocket RoosterPig-nosed OwlPig-nosed OwlRocket RoosterScrooge McMoleWild Alpha YakmelWild Yakmel Meat can be purchased at the following store:. Chromium Steel Plate is a refined material used in crafting. All items' sell prices have been updated. Pickhammer can be crafted using the Worktable. Microchip is a relic material used in crafting. Marble is a required ingredient when crafting the following items: Marble is a required. Iron Wire is used in crafting. Apprentice Cooking Station can be crafted using the Assembly Station. Like any other crafting game, the game tasks the player with building items using the resources they gather. This category lists all bachelors the player can romance. Iron Greatsword can be crafted using the following crafting stations: Iron Greatsword can be equipped, donated, or gifted. My Time at Sandrock. I'm a full time youtuber but I love this game so much that I decided to learn Full Stack Web Development only to make this app. Player C: Top of a majestic mountain of fun, story telling, adventure and the kind of jumor that makes. Join. The Recycler is a machine that salvages scrap into usable crafting materials. Iron Plate is a refined material used in crafting. Sandy can be befriended. Ceramic Scrap can be given as a gift to other characters. Refiner can be crafted using the Assembly Station. The Assembly Station was left behind by Mason when he abandoned the Workshop. Ceramic Scrap is a scrap material used in recycling. Thanks a lot :D! #2. To the best of my knowledge (which is sporadic at best). Sandberry Egg Soup can be cooked using the following station: Sandberry Egg Soup can be eaten by the player or gifted. You will learn in this short video How to Make Engine in My Time at Sandrock and most importantly What is the best way. Opal can be obtained by processing Marble in Ore Refinery. For those who haven’t had the opportunity yet, the game is another great simulator with RPG, similar to Harvest Moon. Blender lv1 takes up a 2×2 area. Marble is a raw material used in crafting. Buy My Time at Sandrock CD KEY Compare Prices. Ruins are ruined buildings and other locations from the Old World that can be explored for useful items such as raw crafting materials and loot. Time limit is 7 days to complete the mission. Granite Tiles. Consumables restore Health and Stamina or temporarily give the player a positive or negative buff when used. Pickhammers and axes are generic tools used to retrieve scrap/stone and wood, respectively; other tools include fish traps used for fishing. Scrap is discarded junk scattered throughout Sandrock that can be looted for crafting materials. One of these is Grace, who is the heart and soul of the Blue Moon Saloon. In-game bio Grace is a Sandrock resident and one of the potential marriage candidates. It is also possible for the player to eat in, see Blue Moon Saloon. Bloodstone can be purchased at the following shops: Bloodstone can be obtained by refining the following raw materials: Bloodstone is used in crafting. Obtaining. Even people of Sandrock take note of this when this happens. Sulfur is a raw material used in crafting. 51 comments. A feather duster can be bought from the commerce guild store. If I add 9 iron ore, he deducts 90 ore from my inventory. Jute can be purchased at the following shops after the player completes In Trusses we Trust: Jute can be used. Aluminum Scrap is used for recycling. Chromium Steel Plate is a. My Time At Sandrock Iron Chef Quest is given to the player on day 20 from the Mysterious Man. Edit. Iron Pickhammer can be crafted using the Worktable: Iron Pickhammer is used as a tool. Mysterious Man arrives to Sandrock and. 2. It is a. Recycler is crafting station that processes Scrap into useful items. (The mission sounds to me like Iron Chef Free Cities. Refiner is mainly used for. Simple Circuits can be found on layers 1 to 6 of the Eufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins. . Overview. Granite Tiles is used in crafting. Forging Machine Lv1 is a crafting station used to craft weapons and metal plates. Use your trusty toolset to gather resources, construct machines, and. Copper Wire can be crafted using the following crafting stations after the player purchases the recipe from the Commerce Guild Store: Copper Wire is used for crafting and commissions. Iron Latch is a refined material used in crafting. Twine is a guaranteed drop from Boxing Jacks found in the part of the Eufaula Desert past the Shonash Canyon Bridge. Refiner is a crafting station that is used to upgrade the quality of already finished items. Bark is a required ingredient when crafting the following items: Bark is a required ingredient when crafting the following items: Bark is a required ingredient when crafting. Item. Two types of crafting stations can be used for cooking: the Drying Rack produces simple items like Jerky, dried fish or fruit and cooking stations for more advanced cooking is done. Anyone have the recipe for Joy Noodles? The Mysterious Vendor just gave me a quest and 3 days to finish it and I'm kind of lost on what the process is. It can also be gifted. Fluff. Requires Epic Games Launcher App in order to play the game. Glass Lens is a required ingredient when. Diamond can be obtained by gathering in: Sandrock Shipwreck Ruins Diamond is a rare drop from scavenging Junk Piles. Chat is a basic social interaction available at any relationship level. Unlike the Assembly Station, the Worktable and its upgraded version can also be built from scratch. Crafting is the main mechanic and the primary method of progressing through the game. r/MyTimeAtSandrock. Cannot be purchased. Let me know what you think! 1 / 12. Iron Chef Free Cities/ Mysterious Man recipe, Drool with Joy Noodles. Rib Meat is a cooking ingredient. . Iron Axe can be crafted using the Worktable: Iron Axe is used as a tool. A page for describing Characters: My Time At Sandrock. As with most farming RPG sims, My Time at Sandrock depletes stamina each time you harvest a material, mine, or complete tasks as a way to measure daily progress. Four Granite Slabs are required to complete You Spin Me. #1. 2. For the ranch building that houses Hens and Roosters, see Coop. it requires 10 iron ore for 1 craft. Sea Salt is a required ingredient when crafting the following items: Sea Salt can be used when cooking on any cooking station: Sea Salt can be given as a gift to other characters. It is full of aroma, covering up a lot of the original taste of alfalfa, and it tastes refreshing and not greasy. She is smart and capable, but surprisingly, the food she cooks is not very good. Granite Tiles is a refined material used in crafting. Granite Slab is a refined material used in crafting. Stone Scrap can be obtained by quarrying stone scrap or monuments in the Eufaula Desert and mixed junk piles in the Eufaula Salvage scrapyard. Manganese Ore is used in crafting. 28 . Iron Muscle Soup can be crafted and purchased after successfully completing Doctor Fang's medical experiments: Iron Muscle Soup can be purchased at the following store: Iron Muscle Soup can be eaten or gifted. Pickhammer is used as a tool. Garlic can also be purchased at the following shop: Garlic is used in cooking. Bronze Plate can be crafted using the following crafting stations: Bronze Plate is used in crafting. Certain items, however, may require the player to obtain. The recipe only becomes available after Shipwreck Confidential. The Civil Furnace is a crafting station that processes copper and iron ores as well as dinas, stone, and clay. Stats and quality. Civil Processor takes up a 4×2 area. My Time at Sandrock Family - FacebookBlender is used same as the other machines - it requires water and fuel. Después de algunas pruebas y errores, logro preparar la receta que me pide el comerciante misterioso. 1 Watch out for Scrooge McMoles! 1. Steel Bar can also be crafted using the following crafting stations: Steel Bar can be dropped by the following monster(s):Geegler PresidentLoganMove-o-tron 9000Punished TripionThe CaretakerTripion Steel Bar can be purchased at the following. After interacting with the machine, a list of things will appear that you can craft along with the list of required materials. 5. You need the following materials to build the Ore Refinery: Ore Refinery Blueprint - can be researched at the Research Center for a fee of 10 Data Discs. Chromium Ore is a raw material used in crafting. Upgrade Treasure Detector - Fu. Admiral Salt's Well-liked Fringe Group Ensemble • Album • Arvio's Billboard • Arvio's Goods • Basic Planting Kit • Bench • Bird Swing • Blue Moon Sign • Cat House • Commission Tracker • Concentrated Algae Apparatus • Condenser • Crane Lift. Quality. Rib Meat is an ingredient used in cooking. The player needs to confront X at the clinic. Master Chef Omelet can be cooked using the following station: Master Chef Omelet can be eaten by the player or gifted. 8K subscribers. My Time at Sandrock – How to Get More Stamina. Crafting requires the Blender lv1 to be. Since Iron Ore is the most critical resource in the game, it can be used to craft and develop other things in the game as well. Copper Wire is occasionally requested on the Commissions. 1h 30m. Steam Community: My Time at Sandrock. Feather can be obtained as a common drop from defeating Rocket Roosters in the Eufaula Desert. Cannot be purchased. Nickel Ore is used in crafting. A variety of non-player characters (NPCs) can be found in My Time at Sandrock. Iron Ore in My Time At Sandrock is available once the player has travelled to the Gecko Station Ruins and completed the ‘Operation De-Geelate’ and following ‘In Trusses We Trust’ quest to repair the town’s. Sell Price.