4 dropped last Wednesday and with it came the Ninkondi Nunchaku. K. Voici les fameux combos de la nouvelle armes de mélée: le ninkondi 28K views 7 years ago Ahoy thar, Legion! Update 17. This weapon can be sold for 5,000 Credits 5,000. . Ninkondi still able to quick melee and suprisingly something community would call trash is better than %80 of the melee's right now (tatsu A. 6 meter radius after 0. Then I had to farm for enough plastids to build it before I could log off for the night and risk the crystals decaying on me. General Bug Report Guidelines - Please Read. By Miceweasel, October 6, 2015 in PC Bugs. Tempo royale, final harbinger are what every stance should aspire to be. It is also a requisite ingredient for Shaku . Even normal ninkondi with good riven was one of the strongest weapon i had. The actual biggest boon that the Gunsen has over the Ninkondi is it's IPS, allowing it to better proc Condition. I was astonished some minutes ago! Finally a Nunchuck style weapon - wanting something like this for a long time in WF. K. Go to topic. This weapon deals primarily Slash damage. The leading Warframe trading platform for tenno, where you can buy and sell vaulted & unvaulted items along with Waframe sets, Parts, Weapons, Mods, Relics, Blueprints, Captura scenes, Rivens, Kuva liches and Sisters of ParvosThe Ninkondi are a set of Nunchaku of Tenno design, which pay homage to ancient techniques. Ninkondi still able to quick melee and suprisingly something community would call trash is better than %80 of the melee's right now (tatsu A. 8 0 0. The Furax are fist weapons focused on critical stats, primarily used by Grineer Powerfists. unique stance. It is a heavy blade capable of emitting a blast that glasses enemies with an Aim Glide attack and can shatter them with Slam Attacks. Vast amount of Guardsmen every wave, you can even leave at 5 due to this. Polymer Bundle. 0 s Disposition (1. Data is obtained directly from the game. . Wukong Prime's Relic Drops. The Orthos is a Tenno polearm that boasts a long reach and good status chance at the expense of critical chance and critical multiplier. This weapon can be sold for 5,000 Credits 5,000. ITEM RANK. Ninkondi prime is very powerful nunchaku in warframe and this video a endgame build for the nunchaku lovers of playstyleSubscribe if you want to help this ch. Characteristics [] This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage. Finally got a hold of some argon crystals in the Void. 33 votes, 21 comments. Scythes have the opposite problem that Nunchakus do. But I've always wanted to play a nunchaku wielding ninja. I've got a ninkondi riven, and they're my favorite nunchaku, so I agree. Stance slot. We got the stance and then switched to the weapon and map to a lower defense map, while there we both started getting really drastic periodic frame rate stutter, more like a slide show than stu. An ancient weapon imbued with a new truth. Ninkondi still able to quick melee and suprisingly something community would call trash is better than %80 of the melee's right now (tatsu A. 10. It is also a requisite ingredient for Shaku . I hope thi. the ninkondi stance 7. 501k members in the Warframe community. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity This mod can acquired by reaching the rank of Mistral from the Conclave Syndicate, and spending 2,000 Standing 2,000 to purchase. This is where stance mods, and this guide, come in. Forbidden setup #115. 00x animation speed: 10. Innate and polarity. 41x) Atlantis Vulcan is a stance mod for Nunchaku-type weapons, specializing in fast, multi-hit whirling strikes. This weapon deals primarily Heat and Puncture damage. It was released alongside Loki Prime and Wyrm Prime. A weeabo sword well, actually we can say every melee is better than tatsu i think) I know they prob forgot to change ninkondi or maybe they saved it for later but i just wanna give a moment to quick melee and the. The Tekko Prime are the Prime variant of the Tekko, sporting higher damage, critical multiplier, status chance, and attack speed. 0. . This weapon deals primarily Slash damage. If this weapon category had more range or had a stance with more mobility, it would be higher on this list. Stance doesn't matter, take your favourite one. Acquisition. 00. 4k. All of the Atlantis Vulcan combos. 8. 2% Critical Chance stacks with Combo Multiplier. Every attack causes the player to take a single step forward. Characteristics [] This weapon deals primarily Electricity damage. 8. Shaku has more base dmg than Nikondi which makes it far better in endgame. Combine with corrosive. Hystrix Prime was released alongside Khora Prime and Dual Keres Prime. Ninkondi still able to quick melee and suprisingly something community would call trash is better than %80 of the melee's right now (tatsu A. That's it, thanks bye. Atlantis Vulcan has many multi-hit combos, even the basic combo has multi-hit, the pause and block combo have even more multi-hits. Then I had to farm for enough plastids to build it before I could log off for the night and risk the crystals decaying on me. It is also a requisite ingredient for Shaku. It was released alongside Nyx Prime and Hikou Prime. K. Stance slot has polarity, matching Atlantis Vulcan and Mafic Rain (Conclave. 3k Posted September 10, 2015 Had some performance issues mid game. Slam Attack increased from 90 to 380. I sure hope so. beserker-viable (low crit, but hits fast enough) almost certainly edges out dual ichor for. png Electricity damage. 0. So, if all goes well, the new Nunchuks will be released tomorrow! This is of course assuming that Friday's "they will be released next week" was referring to the week we're currently in. K. price: 1 platinum ⬌ Max. Then I had to farm for enough plastids to build it before I could log off for the night and risk the crystals decaying on me. Base. Sredrum1990 • 3 yr. Gram Prime is the Primed variant of the Gram heavy sword, possessing the highest offensive stats of all heavy blades thanks to a large increase to damage, critical chance, critical multiplier, and status chance, but also. Ninkondi is so absolutely stupid, it’s unreal. Update:. Innate two and one polarities. This weapon deals primarily Electricity damage. 0x. It has plenty of hits, but it's certainly not enough. Count. Imo the ninkondi prime can get away with slightly less status chance thanks to its stance, 50% is acceptable for me. Stance Introduced Ninkondi: Nunchaku: Normal Attack: 52. But what the heck? Electriciy damage??? Nunchucks, an iconic martial arts weapon for centuries, are based on impact damage! You may say - WF is in the far future, but why electricity again? Another boring elemental style weapon like. Ninkondi Build No Riven No Prime Mods 2 forma. on top of that, when you actually switch to your god chucks you become an all powerful sexual tyrannosaurus wrecks the likes of which Jessie ventura would. This weapon primarily deals Slash damage. 00: 950: 380: 380: 2. Warframe Wiki is a player supported encyclopedia of the game WARFRAME, a free-to-play science fiction cooperative third-person video game by Digital Extremes. Can use the Skana-exclusive Bright Purity mod. 4 (2015-09-09). but this is the gameplay of my first attempt at farming atlantis vulcan. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this thread,I was just curious, what are all of your thoughts on the Ninkandi? I have them I actually like them alot, They're no Dragon Nikana, or Scindo or any of the really good weapons. tonfas stance need to be updated before any prime relased, tonfas stance is boring af agree May I remind the both of you that aside from Machetes, Tonfas are the oldest melee types without a Prime. On May 11th, 2021, it was announced that Wukong Prime, along with Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi. Redeemer Prime is the Primed variant of the Redeemer, acting as a direct upgrade. Advantages over non-modular weapons in Melee slot: Normal Attack (wiki attack. 9k. Had some performance issues mid game. News; Creators; Store; Prime Access;Melee is a form of combat system that utilizes edged or blunt weapons and close quarter attacks. It was released alongside Saryn Prime and Spira Prime. Ninkondi Prime was released alongside Wukong Prime and Zhuge Prime. this is the most beautiful thing that's ever been added to warframe, i mean those combos. But my question is. 60 / 60. Please like comment and subscribe Thanks so muchHad some performance issues mid game. A weeabo sword well, actually we can say every melee is better than tatsu i think) I know they prob forgot to change ninkondi or maybe they saved it for later but i just wanna give a moment to quick melee and the. Cannot equip Eject Magazine. Pennant guide by MilYan. Posted September 10, 2015. K. 4x RANGE 3. The Falcor is a Corpus glaive with Electricity properties. K. But I've always wanted to play a nunchaku wielding ninja. Stance slot has polarity, matching Atlantis Vulcan and Mafic Rain (Conclave only) stance. 7. Update 26. Discord:video about melee weapon build "Ninkondi Prime" to counter enemy. Stance slot has polarity, matching Shimmering Blight and Argent Scourge (Conclave only) stance. While the Ninkondi are fast enough and can certainly land enough hits to reliably CC everything eith the right damage types, the problem is you have to get extremely close, and you're generally only going to be affecting one enemy at any given time. Sign up for a new account in our community. ★★★★★★★★★★. Stance has polarity, matches Flailing Branch stance. but ya. You can ignore everything written above and do your own thing. . . Ninkondi still able to quick melee and suprisingly something community would call trash is better than %80 of the melee's right now (tatsu A. 00 CRITICAL CHANCE 22% CRITICAL MULTIPLIER 2. Stance slot has polarity, matching Atlantis Vulcan and Mafic Rain (Conclave only) stance. 4x RANGE 3. This is w. So, in my opinion its toptier weapon. A weeabo sword well, actually we can say every melee is better than tatsu i think) I know they prob forgot to change ninkondi or maybe they saved it for later but i just wanna give a moment to quick melee and the. Reaper Prime is an ornamental scythe, with a blade forged from tempered Rubedo. Stance slot has polarity, matches Cleaving Whirlwind and Tempo Royale stances. Ninkondi stance pretty much need no introduction tbhNkondi (plural varies minkondi, zinkondi, or ninkondi) [1] are mystical statuettes made by the Kongo people of the Congo region. 0 AVERAGE HIT 306. Blazing Gladiator Ember. TheSauvaaage • 3 yr. 1; Forma. Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular. But I've always wanted to play a nunchaku wielding ninja. CODEX. Ninkondi guide by christian4. 4,000. Don't know what I got myself into. Stance slot has polarity, matching Wise Razor stance. The Ninkondi have a higher status chance than the Shaku, and they even have innate Electricity damage. Ninkondi Prime guide by The-Simulacrum-Warriors. A weeabo sword well, actually we can say every melee is better than tatsu i think) I know they prob forgot to change ninkondi or maybe they saved it for later but i just wanna give a moment to quick melee and the. But what the heck? Electriciy damage??? Nunchucks, an iconic martial arts weapon for centuries, are based on impact damage! You may say - WF is in the far future, but why electricity again? Another boring elemental style weapon like. Votes 10. Stance slot has polarity, matches Bleeding Willow and Twirling Spire stances. Release Date: July 6th, 2019 Wukong Prime is the Primed variant of Wukong, possessing increased shield capacity, armor, energy capacity, and sprint speed, as well as an additional polarity. The Kronen resurrects a lethal fighting style once thought lost to the ages. Atlantis Vulcan should be the stance. Innate polarity. 2 other stance that feel good to use for me is the Eleventh Storm of Sword and Shield and that Ninkondi stance. This weapon is a requisite ingredient (x2) for Twin Krohkur. .