Unitframesimproved. 0. Unitframesimproved


0 - 10. The Blizzard UnitFrames are extended with the following: Taller healthbar. 1 Download Install Description Files Images Issues Source Relations File. Addons 516,774 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 18, 2020 Game Version: 9. Open. Proper class coloring of the healthbar accoring to player class. You can also use the short form /ufi instead of /unitframesimproved. 0. 1. You can also use the short form /ufi instead of /unitframesimproved. UnitFramesImproved. warle99 • 4 yr. 13. 9. Extends the Blizzard unitframes for better visuals, with a minimal-ish footprint. Download Install Description Files Images Issues Source Relations File Details. This addon aims to improve upon the standard blizzard unit frames without going beyond the boundaries set by them. UnitFramesImproved. UnitFramesImproved——头像增强美化插件. Official release beta. Assets 2. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. . Primary Features: Slash commands: /pfi or /partyframesimproved will open the configuration pane to adjust scale and position of Party Frames. 0 - 10. Main Features. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands in Classic and WotLK. 0. Does anyone have "UnitFramesImproved" for 3. 适用版本:怀旧服1. /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. Trinket Menu——饰品管理 【二选一】I can't seem to find any mirror/source via Google, so I thought I'd try my luck here. 4k/45. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the. Now with automatic detection and compatibility if modUI is activated. Addons 539,158 Downloads Last Updated: Nov 4, 2022 Game Version: 10. This addon aims to improve upon the standard blizzard unit frames without going beyond the boundaries set by them. This is a screenshot of UnitFramesImproved in combination with the new Blizzard built-in CompactPartyFrames (have to be tuned on in settings/party-frames) and configured in settings/raid-frames. 0UnitFramesImproved. 0 - 10. 注意 :虽然这款也叫UFI,但是他的作者非香草UFI版本的作者,所以功能性上面少了许多 (详见: 链接)CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. UnitFramesImproved. 1 Download Install Description Files Images Issues Source Relations File Details. The problem is, an addon that I can hardly live without (UnitFramesImproved) doesn't have a skinning option, and I don't know how to edit . This is a little addon I'm working on for World of Warcraft. Due to this, the addons memory usage is very small as all the hard work to get the unit frames to work is already done by Blizzard, so the addon author just. Install Filename UnitFramesImproved_1. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. 在2019-10-19 19:35修改. ClassicCastbars——目标施法条. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text. 转载请注明出处. Download. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and. 按住SHIFT+ALT可以移动到任意位置。. 0. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands in Classic and WotLK. Features. Uploaded by KawF. 0. Rogues and Druid energybar tick indicator. Download. Simple screenshot showing the features of UnitFramesImproved. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and. Description. Backport of UnitFramesImproved to Vanilla with some minor changes like option for dark mode and class portraits. 0 - 10. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and target frames. See moreUnitFramesImproved - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge Improves on the standard Player and Targetframes, making the stats better visible. New unitframe artwork with a goal to preserve the original warcraft design. 4 works with WotLK even if it is originally designed for Cataclysm. Addons 516,774 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 18, 2020 Game Version: 9. 0. 0-beta2" of the name after putting it in your WorldOfWarcraftInterfaceAddOns folder. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. 描述 分类: 单元框架; 这款UFI在香草很受欢迎 注意 :虽然这款也叫UFI,但是他的作者非香草UFI版本的作. Game Version 7. Changes from Version 1. 0 - 10. Uploaded by KawF. 插件名称:v_UnitFrame. UnitFramesImproved. blp files or really do anything LUA related etc. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands in Classic and WotLK. tullaRange——动作条距离变色 ClassicSpellActivations——触发法术高亮. ClassicAuraDurations——显示光环倒数动画. ago. Uploaded by. To get a copy of the repository use the following command: svn checkout. 1. It would be very appreciated if someone would share it here. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands in Classic and WotLK. 4k (20%)" depending on option. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. 13. 12漂亮的头像美化增强插件UnitFramesImproved_Vanil改动. 4. Download. If someone out there like it please use it and find me them bugs (hopefully not many). Due to this, the addons memory usage is very small as all the hard work to get the unitframes to work is already done by Blizzard, I just improve upon them. 11. Druid and rogues can now see some QoL improvements such as. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands in Classic and WotLK. Shadowed Unit Frames 0. Formats "12. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text. 0 - 10. 作 者:老V. 4 version of the addon even though it's for Cataclysm is working for 3. 0. MPORTANT: Remove "-v1. Brief summary of features: * Modified unitframes with a darker border color. 0. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. 11. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and target frames. * Rogue and Druid energy pulse indicator. 3. 5. 5, as shown in this picture?: Thank you! There is a old thread somewhere in this forum where a guy posted a down ported version of a similiar addon to that one. 基本就是系统头像换了个材质,增加了几个简单 功能如下:. 1. 常用命令:. UnitFramesImproved. zip. UnitFramesImproved - improve upon the standard blizzard unit frames without going beyond the boundaries set by them Unitscan - automatically scans for characters by name and alerts you upon finding one V Vanilla Addons - vanilla addons fixed by Laytya Vanilla addons A-Z - Big addons repository (Last updated: 30 Apr 2018)It seems that version 1. 0 - 10. For some reason, 1. zip. The mainline is now only supporting Retail WoW 10. 6K Downloads - 14. Improves on the standard. 12月4日更新:. 框架 ent health elvui 显示 power erc powerc. 1. MobHealth3 is now embedded into the addon!UnitFramesImproved 简约漂亮的暴雪风头像增强插件 - UFI头像 v1. Decided to port my Vanilla version of this addon to TBC. 7. #1 UID:6218 3518 62183518. 4. UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla Pre-release. 2 Download Install Description Files Images Issues Source; Relations Ingame it says the addon is out of date? #12 By Forge_User_03361867 Created Aug 29, 2019 Updated Aug 29, 2019. WeaponSwingTimer——平砍计时条. Allow adjustment of Party Frame scale. Better output of text on the statusbars. UnitFramesImproved系统头像增强插件,按职业着色血量,血量和魔法值显示为具体数值和百分比。. /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. Addons 523,370 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 18, 2020 Game Version: 9. This addon aims to improve upon the standard blizzard unitframes without going beyond the boundaries set by them. 0-beta. The addon is based on the addon UnitFramesImproved, backported from legion. You can also use the short form /ufi instead of /unitframesimproved. . Increase Height of Party Member Healthbars. 12漂亮的头像美化增强插件UnitFramesImproved_Vanil 《魔兽世界怀旧服》界面美化插件1. /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and. local UnitFramesImproved = CreateFrame (' Button ', ' UnitFramesImproved '); -- Event listener to make sure we enable the addon at the right time function UnitFramesImproved:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD ()TBC - UnitFramesImproved. 7. zip. 6. 7. Due to this, the addons memory usage is very small as all the hard. 适配时间:2019. 汉化者:Qcat 请尊重汉化者劳动成果. Official release version is now available. 3k" or "12. 4. 1 《魔兽世界怀旧服》界面美化插件UnitFramesImproved头像增强美化; 2 十九大报告指出,加快建设创新型国家,要加强应用基础研究,拓展; 3 《微信》最烧脑大挑战第45关【让大风车转起来】答案攻略; 4 《QQ炫舞》时尚中心旅行挑战96期【第7关:迷恋之地】SSS搭配3S攻; 5 《QQ炫舞》十周年【七彩琉璃光. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and target frames. 级别: 学徒. UnitFramesImproved 4. Anyone have a working version of Unit Frames Improved or something very similar. 00 KB 5042 downloads. /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0. . Available slash-commands (Classic & WotLK only) /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text. OmniCC——技能冷却计时闪光. R. 4. May 31, 2018. Allow adjustment of Party Frame. 0) /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and target frames.